Fermi-Hubbard Model I


A Jupyter notebook related to this example is available in our examples folder.

To see KadanoffBaym.jl in full strength, we need to consider an interacting system such as the Fermi-Hubbard model

\[\begin{align*} \hat{H} &= - J \sum_{\langle{i,\,j}\rangle}\sum_\sigma \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{i,\sigma} \hat{c}^{\phantom{\dagger}}_{i+1,\sigma} + U\sum_{i=1}^L \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{i,\uparrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom{\dagger}}_{i,\uparrow} \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{i,\downarrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom{\dagger}}_{i,\downarrow}, \end{align*}\]

where the $\hat{c}_{i,\sigma}^{\dagger},\, \hat{c}_{i,\sigma}^{\phantom{\dagger}}$, $\sigma=\uparrow, \downarrow$ are now spin-dependent fermionic creation and annihilation operators. The model describes electrons on a lattice that can hop to neighbouring sites via the coupling $J$ while also feeling an on-site interaction $U$. The spin-diagonal Green functions are defined by

\[\begin{align*} \left[\boldsymbol{G}_\sigma^<(t, t')\right]_{ij} &= G^<_{ij, \sigma}(t, t') = \phantom{-} \mathrm{i}\left\langle{\hat{c}_{j, \sigma}^{{\dagger}}(t')\hat{c}_{i, \sigma}^{\phantom{\dagger}}(t)}\right\rangle, \\ \left[\boldsymbol{G}_\sigma^>(t, t')\right]_{ij} &= G^>_{ij, \sigma}(t, t') = -\mathrm{i}\left\langle{\hat{c}_{i, \sigma}^{\phantom{\dagger}}(t)\hat{c}_{j, \sigma}^{{\dagger}}(t')}\right\rangle. \end{align*}\]

The equations of motion for these Green functions in "vertical" time $t$ can be written compactly as

\[\begin{align*} (\mathrm{i}\partial_t - \boldsymbol{h}) \boldsymbol{G}_\sigma^\lessgtr(t, t') &= \int_{t_0}^{t}\mathrm{d}{s} \left[\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_\sigma^>(t, s) - \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_\sigma^<(t, s) \right] \boldsymbol{G}_\sigma^\lessgtr(s, t') + \int_{t_0}^{t'}\mathrm{d}{s} \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_\sigma^\lessgtr(t, s) \left[\boldsymbol{G}_\sigma^<(s, t') - \boldsymbol{G}_\sigma^>(s, t') \right], \end{align*}\]

where $\boldsymbol{h}$ describes the single-particle contributions (i.e. the hopping), and the matrices $\boldsymbol{G}^\lessgtr$ are assumed to be block-diagonal in the spin degree-of-freedom. The Hartree-Fock part of the self-energy now is

\[\begin{align*} \Sigma^{\mathrm{HF}}_{\uparrow,\,ij}(t, t') = {\mathrm{i}}\delta_{ij}\delta(t - t') G^<_{\downarrow,ii}(t, t),\\ \Sigma^{\mathrm{HF}}_{\downarrow,\,ij}(t, t') = {\mathrm{i}}\delta_{ij}\delta(t - t') G^<_{\uparrow,ii}(t, t). \end{align*} \]

In the so-called second Born approximation, the contribution to next order in $U$ is also taken into account:

\[\begin{align*} \Sigma^\lessgtr_{ij, \uparrow} (t, t') = U^2 G^\lessgtr_{ij, \uparrow}(t, t') G^\lessgtr_{ij, \downarrow}(t, t') G^\gtrless_{ji, \downarrow}(t', t),\\ \Sigma^\lessgtr_{ij, \downarrow}(t, t') = U^2 G^\lessgtr_{ij, \downarrow}(t, t') G^\lessgtr_{ij, \uparrow}(t, t') G^\gtrless_{ji, \uparrow}(t', t). \end{align*}\]

Now that we have the equations set up, we import KadanoffBaym.jl alongside some auxiliary packages:

using KadanoffBaym, LinearAlgebra, BlockArrays

Then, we use KadanoffBaym's built-in data structure GreenFunction to define our lesser and greater Green functions

# Lattice size
L = 8

# Allocate the initial Green functions (time arguments at the end)
GL_u = GreenFunction(zeros(ComplexF64, L, L, 1, 1), SkewHermitian)
GG_u = GreenFunction(zeros(ComplexF64, L, L, 1, 1), SkewHermitian)
GL_d = GreenFunction(zeros(ComplexF64, L, L, 1, 1), SkewHermitian)
GG_d = GreenFunction(zeros(ComplexF64, L, L, 1, 1), SkewHermitian)

Observe that we denote $\boldsymbol{G}_\uparrow^<$ by GL_u and $\boldsymbol{G}_\downarrow^<$ by GL_d, for instance. As a lattice structure, we choose the 8-site 3D qubic lattice shown in Fig. 8 of our paper.

As an (arbitrary) Gaussian initial condition, we take a non-equilibrium distribution of the charge over the cube (all electrons at the bottom of the cube):

# Initial conditions
N_u = zeros(L)
N_d = zeros(L)

N_u[1:4] = 0.1 .* [1, 1, 1, 1]
N_d[1:4] = 0.1 .* [1, 1, 1, 1]

N_u[5:8] = 0.0 .* [1, 1, 1, 1]
N_d[5:8] = 0.0 .* [1, 1, 1, 1]

GL_u[1, 1] = 1.0im * diagm(N_u)
GG_u[1, 1] = -1.0im * (I - diagm(N_u))
GL_d[1, 1] = 1.0im * diagm(N_d)
GG_d[1, 1] = -1.0im * (I - diagm(N_d))

Accessing GreenFunction with only two arguments gives the whole matrix at a given time, i.e. GL_u[1, 1] is equivalent to GL_u[:, :, 1, 1].

To keep our data ordered, we define an auxiliary struct to hold them:

Base.@kwdef struct FermiHubbardData2B{T}

    ΣL_u::T = zero(GL_u)
    ΣG_u::T = zero(GG_u)
    ΣL_d::T = zero(GL_d)
    ΣG_d::T = zero(GG_d)

data = FermiHubbardData2B(GL_u=GL_u, GG_u=GG_u, GL_d=GL_d, GG_d=GG_d)

Furthermore, we also defined an auxiliary struct specifying the parameters of the model:

Base.@kwdef struct FermiHubbardModel{T}
    # interaction strength

    # 8-site 3D cubic lattice
    h = begin
        h = BlockArray{ComplexF64}(undef_blocks, [4, 4], [4, 4])
        diag_block = [0 -1 0 -1; -1 0 -1 0; 0 -1 0 -1; -1 0 -1 0]
        setblock!(h, diag_block, 1, 1)
        setblock!(h, diag_block, 2, 2)
        setblock!(h, Diagonal(-1 .* ones(4)), 1, 2)
        setblock!(h, Diagonal(-1 .* ones(4)), 2, 1)

        h |> Array

    H_u = h
    H_d = h

# Relatively small interaction parameter
const U₀ = 0.25
model = FermiHubbardModel(U = t -> U₀)

Note how we have defined the interaction parameter $U$ as a (constant) Julia Function - this enables us to study quenches with time-dependent interaction (s. also our paper).

The final step before setting up the actual equations is to define a callback function for the self-energies in second Born approximation:

# Callback function for the self-energies
function second_Born!(model, data, times, _, _, t, t′)
    # Unpack data and model
    (; GL_u, GG_u, GL_d, GG_d, ΣL_u, ΣG_u, ΣL_d, ΣG_d) = data
    (; U) = model
    # Resize self-energies when Green functions are resized    
    if (n = size(GL_u, 3)) > size(ΣL_u, 3)
        resize!(ΣL_u, n)
        resize!(ΣG_u, n)
        resize!(ΣL_d, n)
        resize!(ΣG_d, n)        
    # The interaction varies as a function of the forward time (t+t')/2
    U_t = U((times[t] + times[t′])/2)
    # Define the self-energies
    ΣL_u[t, t′] = U_t^2 .* GL_u[t, t′] .* GL_d[t, t′] .* transpose(GG_d[t′, t])
    ΣL_d[t, t′] = U_t^2 .* GL_u[t, t′] .* GL_d[t, t′] .* transpose(GG_u[t′, t])
    ΣG_u[t, t′] = U_t^2 .* GG_u[t, t′] .* GG_d[t, t′] .* transpose(GL_d[t′, t])
    ΣG_d[t, t′] = U_t^2 .* GG_u[t, t′] .* GG_d[t, t′] .* transpose(GL_u[t′, t])

The omitted arguments _ in the function definition refer to the adaptive integration weights of KadanoffBaym. They are only needed when the self-energy contains actual time integrals (as in the $T$-matrix approximation).

Unlike for the non-interacting tight-binding model, the equations of motion above contain integrals over time. This makes them so-called Volterra integro-differential equations (VIDEs). Now the integrals are always either of the first form $\int_{t_0}^{t}\mathrm{d}{s} \left[\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_\sigma^>(t, s) - \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_\sigma^<(t, s) \right] \boldsymbol{G}_\sigma^\lessgtr(s, t')$ or of the second form $\int_{t_0}^{t'}\mathrm{d}{s} \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_\sigma^\lessgtr(t, s) \left[\boldsymbol{G}_\sigma^<(s, t') - \boldsymbol{G}_\sigma^>(s, t') \right].$ The discretization of these time convolutions results in a sum of matrix-products over all time indices. To be as efficient as possible, this suggests to introduce two auxiliary functions that handle these integrations by avoiding unnecessary allocations:

# Auxiliary integrator for the first type of integral
function integrate1(hs::Vector, t1, t2, A::GreenFunction, B::GreenFunction, C::GreenFunction; tmax=t1)
    retval = zero(A[t1, t1])

    @inbounds for k in 1:tmax
        @views LinearAlgebra.mul!(retval, A[t1, k] - B[t1, k], C[k, t2], hs[k], 1.0)
    return retval

# Auxiliary integrator for the second type of integral
function integrate2(hs::Vector, t1, t2, A::GreenFunction, B::GreenFunction, C::GreenFunction; tmax=t2)
    retval = zero(A[t1, t1])

    @inbounds for k in 1:tmax
        @views LinearAlgebra.mul!(retval, A[t1, k], B[k, t2] - C[k, t2], hs[k], 1.0)
    return retval

The first argument hs::Vector denotes the adaptive integration weights provided by KadanoffBaym. Since these depend on the boundary points of the integration, there will usually be different weight vectors for the two integrals.

We are finally ready to define the equations of motion! In "vertical" time, we have

# Right-hand side for the "vertical" evolution
function fv!(model, data, out, times, h1, h2, t, t′)
    # Unpack data and model
    (; GL_u, GG_u, GL_u, GG_d, ΣL_u, ΣG_u, ΣL_d, ΣG_d) = data
    (; H_u, H_d, U) = model

    # Real-time collision integrals
    ∫dt1(A, B, C) = integrate1(h1, t, t′, A, B, C)
    ∫dt2(A, B, C) = integrate2(h2, t, t′, A, B, C)
    # The interaction varies as a function of the forward time (t+t')/2
    U_t = U((times[t] + times[t′])/2)
    # Hartree-Fock self-energies
    ΣHF_u(t, t′) = im * U_t * Diagonal(GL_d[t, t])
    ΣHF_d(t, t′) = im * U_t * Diagonal(GL_u[t, t])
    # Equations of motion
    out[1] = -1.0im * ((H_u + ΣHF_u(t, t′)) * GL_u[t, t′] + 
            ∫dt1(ΣG_u, ΣL_u, GL_u) + ∫dt2(ΣL_u, GL_u, GG_u)

    out[2] = -1.0im * ((H_u + ΣHF_u(t, t′)) * GG_u[t, t′] + 
            ∫dt1(ΣG_u, ΣL_u, GG_u) + ∫dt2(ΣG_u, GL_u, GG_u)

    out[3] = -1.0im * ((H_d + ΣHF_d(t, t′)) * GL_d[t, t′] + 
            ∫dt1(ΣG_d, ΣL_d, GL_d) + ∫dt2(ΣL_d, GL_d, GG_d)

    out[4] = -1.0im * ((H_d + ΣHF_d(t, t′)) * GG_d[t, t′] +
            ∫dt1(ΣG_d, ΣL_d, GG_d) + ∫dt2(ΣG_d, GL_d, GG_d)
    return out

As for the tight-binding model, the equation of motion in "diagonal" time $T$ follows by subtracting its own adjoint from the vertical equation:

# Right-hand side for the "diagonal" evolution
function fd!(model, data, out, times, h1, h2, t, t′)
    fv!(model, data, out, times, h1, h2, t, t)
    out .-= adjoint.(out)

After defining a final time and some tolerances, we give everything to kbsolve!:

# final time
tmax = 4

# tolerances
atol = 1e-8
rtol = 1e-6

# Call the solver
sol = kbsolve!(
    (x...) -> fv!(model, data, x...),
    (x...) -> fd!(model, data, x...),
    [data.GL_u, data.GG_u, data.GL_d, data.GG_d],
    (0.0, tmax);
    callback = (x...) -> second_Born!(model, data, x...),
    atol = atol,
    rtol = rtol,
    stop = x -> (println("t: $(x[end])"); flush(stdout); false)

That's it! Results for tmax=32 are shown in our paper. Note that this implementation via KadanoffBaym is about as compact as possible.